About me

Doctoral Researcher, Department of Computing Sciences, Tampere University, Finland

E-mail: aygun.varol@tuni.fi

Research interests

In my research, I aim to find an optimal integration of Internet of Things (IoT) sensor networks in indoor environments (i.e., living and working spaces) and develop smart systems that efficiently collect and process data in order to create comfortable, healthy, and sustainable living and working spaces. I am also interested in the applications of AI models such as transformer networks and Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance smart space functionalities. Of course, with utilization of AI, I investigate potential risks of utilizing autonomous AI agents in smart spaces.


I am in my second year in my D.Sc. at Tampere University. I have three supervisors for my doctoral research: Associate Professor Johanna Virkki (my main supervisor at Tampere University), Dr. Naser Hossein Motlagh (a co-supervisor at the University of Helsinki), and Dr. Mirka Leino (a co-supervisor at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences). I am affiliated with the Augmentative Technology Group and take part as a researcher in the EVIL-AI project, which investigates the negative effects of AI and explores strategies for mitigation.

Prior to my position at Tampere University, I was research assistant at Isparta University of Applied Sciences where I also earned my M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. During my master’s studies, I focused on analog circuit design under the supervision of Prof. Abdülkadir Çakır (my main supervisor) and Assoc. Prof. Fırat Yücel (my co-supervisor at Akdeniz University). I earned my B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Manisa Celal Bayar University. My research was on industrial automation under the guidance of Prof. Sezai Taşkın.


Version January 2025