Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal Details
- Surname: Varol
- Name: Aygün
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4029-7676
- Date of CV: 14.02.2025
2. Degrees
- D.Sc. (ongoing), Computing and Electrical Engineering (Internet of Things), Tampere University
- M.Sc. (2022), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Analog Circuit Design), Isparta University of Applied Sciences
- B.Sc. (2017), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Industrial Automation), Manisa Celal Bayar University
3. Other Education and Expertise
- The European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (2024), ESSAI & ACAI
- Introduction to Generative AI (2023), Google Cloud
4. Language Skills
- Native language: Turkish
- Other languages:
- English (Proficient - C1, IELTS: 7)
- Finnish (Elementary)
- German (Elementary)
5. Current Employment
Doctoral Researcher (Since 2023), Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Finland
- Research focus: Creating intelligent indoor environments by integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) with Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Contributing researcher to the EVIL-AI Project, investigating AI-related harms and developing mitigation strategies.
6. Previous Work Experience
- Research Assistant (2020–2023), Faculty of Technology, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
- Conducted laboratory courses: Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics, Circuit Analysis, Digital Systems, Microprocessor System Design.
- Electrical Maintenance Engineer Intern (2016), Habas Industrial and Medical Gases Production Industries Inc., Turkey
- Monitored operations and maintenance in a natural gas combined cycle power plant.
- Electrical Maintenance Engineer Intern (2015), Çimentaş İzmir Cement Factory, Turkey
- Conducted maintenance and repair of electrical and electronics equipment.
7. Research Funding and Grants
- Study Abroad Programme Scholarship (2021), Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education
- Total amount: €70,000
- Sponsored Turkish students for postgraduate studies abroad.
8. Research Output
- Total Publications: 5 (10 citations)
- Selected Publications:
- Varol, A., Motlagh, N. H., Leino, M., Tarkoma, S., & Virkki, J. (2024). “Creation of AI-driven Smart Spaces for Enhanced Indoor Environments – A Survey” (Submitted to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks).
- Varol, A., Yucel, F., Yuce, E., & Cakir, A. (2024). “A single-IC realizable, electronically tunable, OTA-based full-wave rectifier with simultaneous positive and negative outputs.” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 155374.
- Kayaalp, K., & Varol, A. (2024). “LeNet ve ResNet Derin Öğrenme Modelleri ile Asma Yapraklarının Sınıflandırması.” Veri Bilimi, 7(1), 16-25.
- Varol, A., Yucel, F., & Cakir, A. (2023). “A new electronically tunable transimpedance-mode OTA-based first-order universal filter and its quadrature oscillator application.” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 32(11), 2350184.
- Varol, A., & Çetin, B. K. (2020). “A New Mobile Application for Physical Measurement in a Cellular Network.” Journal of Scientific Reports-A, (045), 178-200.
9. Research Supervision and Leadership Experience
- 5 Undergraduate Research Project Supervisions (2020–2023), TÜBİTAK 2209-A Research Grant Program for University Students.
10. Teaching Merits
- Teaching Assistant (2020–2023), Faculty of Technology, Isparta University of Applied Sciences
11. Other Key Academic Merits
- Guest Speaker (2024), The 1st Winter School on 3D Digitainability, Tampere University
- Topic: AI Agents in Smart Spaces
- Grant Proposal Contribution: Assisted in European Commission funding application (PI: Johanna Virkki).
12. Other Merits
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, C, C++, LaTeX
- Software Tools: Visual Studio, Android Studio, MATLAB, PSpice, Origin
- Hardware/Systems Experience: IoT systems, analog circuit design
📌 Last Updated: 14.02.2025
Version February 2025